
This is how you can contact us

Our base, the office

Our office to be found close to the former MAFILM area in the 14th district of Budapest, Zugló
address: Róna street 185. fszt. 3. Budapest, H-1145, Hungary
opening hours: Mo-Fri 9AM-5PM (please call to make an appointment)
phone: +36 70 500 07 30

Storage facility

address: Gyömrői street 76-80. Budapest H-1103, Hungary
opening hours: Mo-Fri 8AM-6PM (please call to make an appointment)
phone: +36 70 944 9033

address: Keleti Márton street 7. Fót, H-2151, Hungary
opening hours: Mo-Fri 8AM-6PM (please call to make an appointment)
phone: +36 70 944 9033

Company Details:

Film-Enter 2001 Ltd.
Róna u. 185. fszt. 3. Budapest H-1145, Hungary
Tax number: 12645622-2-42
Company registration number: 01-09696491
Bank account number: 10300002-10587395-49020018

Inn-Direct Ltd. 
Róna u. 185. fszt. 3. Budapest H-1145, Hungary
Tax number: 11698012-2-42
Company registration number: 01-09-930629
Bank account number: 10300002-10487221-49020013


Heni Nagy
+36 70 944 90 33

Andrea Gulyás
+36 70 500 07 30

Róna street 185. fszt. 3. Budapest, H-1145, Hungary
opening hours: Mo-Fri 9AM-5PM (please call to make an appointment)
phone: +36 70 500 07 30
